MACAA Handbook
This handbook contains the philosophy, objectives, policies and organizational structure of the Maryland Association of County Agricultural Agents (MACAA). It outlines the relationship between the MACAA and the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) with which we are affiliated.
University of Maryland Extension is a unique organization. Broad organizational objectives and policies are established at the national and state levels. Programs are planned and executed at the county and local level. This provides this individual Extension Agent/Educator with an opportunity to develop programs and activities with people to meet the interests and needs of many audiences.
Extension programs, since they are people oriented, are quite varied and flexible. This people-oriented concept and approach has allowed Agents/Educators and the programs of University of Maryland Extension to make significant contributions to rural, suburban and urban situations.
Each day brings new opportunities and challenges in the life of an Extension Agent/Educator. While teaching others, Agents/Educators will be engaged in their own informal and formal learning experiences. Outstanding Agents/Educators will give and receive as they approach each new challenge.
Extension teaching is an exciting and rewarding experience. Material rewards (salary, fringe benefits, retirement, schooling, etc.) will be supplemented with recognition and praise from people. The greatest rewards come to Agents/Educators in knowing they have done their best to be of service to others.
By following this philosophy since 1914, University of Maryland Extension has become envied by many other professional groups for its integrity and success.
I love the big out-of-doors; the smell of the soil; the touch of the rain; the smile of the sun; the kiss of the wind; the song of the birds and the laughter of the summer breezes in the trees.
I love the growing crops; the rustle of the corn; the golden billow of the ripening wheat; the fleecy cotton bursting from the boll; the musky odor of the ripening fruit and the shimmer of the grass that is blue.
I love God's creatures, great and small, that minister to man's needs; the friendship of the horse; the confidence of the sheep; the gentleness of the cow and the contented confidence of the fattening swine. These represent the response of service to kindness and care.
I believe in open country and the life of country people; in their hopes, their aspirations and their simple faith; in their ability and power to enlarge their own lives and plan for the happiness of those they love. I believe in the farmer as the Nation's sure defense; the reservoir of its prosperity; its haven of security from those who would despoil it from within or without.
I believe in the farmer's right to a comfortable living; to such recompense for his capital and labor and skill as will make him the peer of those who work in office, shop, or mine; in his right to cooperate with his neighbors for the security of his business life and in the helping service science sends as handmaid to his common sense.
I believe in the sacredness of the farmer's home; in the holiness of the country woman's love and the opportunity that home should assure to culture, grace and power.
My professional standards shall have in them a note of understanding for our common humanity. My work, ambitions and relations shall always cause me to take into consideration my highest duties as a member of society.
In every position of business life, in every responsibility that comes before me, my chief thought shall be to fill that position and discharge that responsibility to lift the level of human ideals and achievements a little higher than I found it. I shall:
FIRST: Consider my vocation worthy and as affording me distinct opportunity to serve society.
SECOND: Improve myself, increase my efficiency, and enlarge my service.
THIRD: Remember that I am a professional person and want to succeed, but that I am first an ethical person and wish no success that is not founded on the highest justice and morality.
FOURTH: Respect and hold in high esteem science in all its phases and to recognize that Experiment Station and USDA findings constitute professional authority in agriculture and to respect the opinion of those men who have established themselves as authorities in this branch of science.
FIFTH: Be loyal to our State Universities, the USDA, and our local, state, and national government.
SIXTH: Hold in high esteem the callings of both rural and urban activities including farming, urban and youth development programs and homemaking.
SEVENTH: Recognize that the development of leadership and the building of communities is the highest service I can render as County Extension Agent/Educator.
EIGHTH: Maintain an open mind, seeking always to understand the viewpoints of others.
NINTH: Not engage in any activity which will interfere with the proper fulfillment of my professional duties and bring discredit to my office.
TENTH: Support and contribute to strengthening my State or Regional and National Association of County Agricultural Agents in their efforts to improve and advance the Extension Service Program for the betterment of our nation.
*Source: National Association of County Agricultural Agents
*Source: National Association of County Agricultural Agents
The administration of University of Maryland Extension and the University of Maryland recognize the MACAA and the NACAA as official professional organizations. Association activities are sanctioned by Extension Administration, with provisions made for official time and financial support.
Procedures have been developed whereby the President, Executive and Policy Committees may communicate with Extension Administration.
Dues and unreimbursed expenses associated with MACAA and NACAA activities may be recognized as tax deductible by the Internal Revenue Service.
RAISE PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS by providing a medium for the exchange of ideas and methods.
SECURE BENEFITS collectively such as awards, recognition, prestige, and fringe benefits that may not be obtained individually.
INITIATE NEW PROGRAMS AND DEVELOP their understanding and support.
PROVIDE a channel for communication with the Associate Dean and Associate Director of Extension and the Administration.
PROVIDE opportunities to meet and enjoy the fellowship of members at the County, State and National level.
SERVE as a professional Extension organization
SHARE ideas, philosophies, objectives and concerns with officers, committees and members of the Association.
SUPPORT the objectives as developed by the Association.
PARTICIPATE in Association programs and activities, making contributions so others may benefit.
STRIVE to develop excellence as an Extension professional.
GIVE the Association financial support.
The National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) was organized by a small group of County Agents attending the International Livestock Show in Chicago in 1916. NACAA now has over 5200 members from state associations.
The officers of NACAA are President, President- Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the immediate Past President. The President-Elect is the automatic successor to the office of President. The remaining officers are elected to one year terms. The Board of Directors consists of the NACAA officers and five Regional Directors. The Directors represent the state associations in the Northeast, North Central, Western and Southern regions.
The Annual Meeting of NACAA is set-up on an eight-year rotation among the four regions. The Annual Meeting is held two of the eight years in the Southern Region, two of the eight years in the North Central Region, and one year each in the Northeast and Western Regions and two years open to all states.
The NACAA nominating committee consists of the Immediate Past President, the Directors, and two persons elected from each region.
Directors are nominated and elected by regions. All officers are elected by the delegate body at the NACAA Annual Meeting.
State associations choose voting delegates to the NACAA Annual Meeting on the basis of one delegate for the first 40 members and one delegate for each 30 additional members or fraction thereof.
The Individual Extension professional, regardless of title, becomes a member of NACAA through the state association.
These state associations have established committees, many of which parallel those of NACAA in function. State association members are kept informed by delegates and others attending the annual meetings, by the County Agent magazine, and by visits of regional directors and national officers. State associations communicate with administrators and serve them in an advisory capacity.
To provide professional education and training opportunities for our members in cooperation with the members' state associations;
To encourage a high standard of professional performance among our Extension staff;
To promote a high degree of cooperation and loyalty among Extension people;
To assist in furthering the effectiveness of Extension work;
To advance the basic importance and position of American agriculture in our national economy; and
To cooperate in carrying out the policies and programs of the Land-Grant universities in the United States.
The NACAA has a long history of promoting professional growth and development of its members and member associations. Distinguished service and program excellence are recognized. Professional improvement opportunities are offered and encouraged. Standards of professional conduct and ethics have been established. Leadership development opportunities are provided through state and national programs, meetings and workshops.
The national association represents its members on matters pertaining to budgets, benefits and Extension policy direction.
The NACAA serves its members through annual meetings, conferences and workshops, publications and through active committees. Effective committee work has enabled the NACAA to become a dynamic force in the growth of Extension work.
State committees, programs and sponsors.
The officers of the MACAA are President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The President-Elect shall assume the office of the President at the Annual Meeting of the Association. All other officers are elected at that meeting. Officers serve from the time of their installation at the annual Meeting until their successor is installed.
Vacancies shall be filled as indicated in the MACAA Constitution.
It shall be the President's responsibility to see that an annual meeting of the membership, any additional membership meetings called by the Executive Committee and necessary Executive Committee meetings are held. The President shall preside at all such meetings.
The President shall be the official representative of the MACAA in dealings with the University, Extension Administration and other organizations.
The President may appoint special committees as needed to carry out the business of the Association. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees, both standing and special.
The President will be the official head of the MACAA delegation at the NACAA Annual Meeting, assure Maryland has its quota of voting delegates and may caucus the state delegation on issues.
After approval by the Executive Committee, the President shall submit nominees for National Committee Chairman and Regional Vice Chairman to the NACAA.
The President shall send a letter to appropriate new faculty, welcoming them to Maryland Cooperative Extension and inviting them to become MACAA members.
Following the NACAA Annual Meeting, the President should send congratulatory letters to regional and national award recipients with a copy to appropriate Extension Administrators.
The President shall arrange for presentation of the Service to Agriculture Award at an appropriate time and place.
In the event of the death of a member, life member or their immediate family (spouse or children), the President will arrange for an appropriate remembrance.
The President shall prepare a narrative for inclusion in the MACAA Annual Report.
In addition, the President shall perform all such duties as usually pertain to the office.
The President-Elect is a member of the Executive Committee. The President-Elect shall be in charge of, responsible for, and an ex officio member of all standing committees.
The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in case of the absence or disability of that officer and shall assume the office of the President in the event of a vacancy in that office.
The President-Elect will prepare the MACAA Annual Report which will include all committee reports, the Treasurer's and President's reports and present them to the Policy Committee for review and approval prior to the Annual Meeting. Sufficient copies are to be prepared for each member and Extension Administration.
The President-Elect may also be asked to substitute for the President as the MACAA representative at certain functions where the President may be unable to attend. In addition, the President-Elect will perform any additional tasks assigned by the President or Executive Committee.
The Vice-President shall update the MACAA Policy Handbook and submit revisions to the Policy Committee of the association for approval prior to sending them to members.
The Vice-President is a member of the Executive Committee, serves as the parliamentarian for the association and shall assume other obligations that may be assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.
Subject to approval by the Executive Committee, the Vice President shall appoint the chair, the subcommittee vice-chair, and the members of all standing committees and subcommittees to serve during the succeeding year.
The Vice-President shall submit to the Executive Committee and subsequently to the NACAA Vice-President names of members as prospective national committee chairs. Usually they will be the persons selected to serve as chairs of State Committees.
The Treasurer shall keep an accurate financial record and shall prepare a financial report for all Executive Committee meetings and membership meetings. Accurate membership records will be maintained and necessary records and funds shall be forwarded to the NACAA as required.
The Treasurer shall receive bills, receipts, and records normally associated with this office. Funds will be dispersed upon presentation, a checking account will be maintained and the financial records will be presented for annual audit and transferred to the newly installed Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall serve as the Membership Committee Chair.
The Secretary shall keep accurate records of the proceedings of meetings of the Executive Committee and Association Membership Meetings. After each meeting, copies of the minutes shall be provided to the Executive Committee. Copies of Association Membership Meeting minutes will be provided to the membership.
The Secretary shall order complimentary copies of the County Agent magazine for Extension Administration and any others authorized by the Executive Committee, serve as Secretary of the Foundation Fund, and assist the Treasurer whenever needed.
The Secretary shall submit new officers to NACAA and perform other duties normally associated with this office.
The Immediate Past President of the MACAA shall serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee and shall serve in this capacity from the end of their term as President until the installation of another group of officers.
The Immediate Past President shall serve as chairman of the MACAA Policy Committee.
The Immediate Past President, because of his valuable experience, can be of great assistance to the association's officers and should stand ready to accept responsibility as assigned.
The Executive Committee of MACAA shall consist of the President, the four elected officers and the Immediate Past President. The committee will meet as necessary and upon the call of the President.
The Executive Committee shall approve the appointment of the Chairman and members of state committees and shall approve nominees to be submitted to NACAA to serve as Chairman, Regional Vice Chairman, or members of national committees.
This committee shall prepare a budget and submit it to the membership for their approval at the Annual Meeting.
The Executive Committee shall be vested with the authority to call special membership meetings and to conduct the business affairs of the Association as outlined by the MACAA Constitution.
The Executive Committee is the Governing Board of the MACAA Foundation Fund and shall see that minutes and records of all activities regarding the foundation are kept and reported to the membership at the Annual Meeting of the Foundation Fund.
The Executive Committee makes final selection of the MACAA Service to Agriculture Award recipient and the Honorary County Agent Award recipient.
For the MACAA to be successful in meeting its objectives, effective committee work is essential. Members have the responsibility to be active and involved, to attend meetings, to accept the duties outlined in this handbook and to carry them out to the best of their ability.
Committee Chairs should delegate responsibility and follow through as necessary. Chairs are responsible for furnishing the President-Elect with a committee report for inclusion in the MACAA Annual Report.
Committee Chairs should pass all information on the duties and operations of the committee to the incoming chairs and assist during the transition period.
To encourage and recognize effective Extension programs throughout Maryland.
The Committee Chair is responsible for all phases of the committee work.
This committee is responsible to the MACAA President-Elect and the Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect an annual report of its activities.
This committee is responsible for programs of the NACAA Extension Programs Committee. Currently these programs are: Livestock Production Program, Farm and Ranch Financial Management, Crop Production Program and Environmental Protection Through Responsible Use of Pesticides.
The Livestock Production Program recognizes members with an outstanding extension educational program in livestock. The first place National winner will receive $500.00 and a certificate. A $250.00 cash award and certificate will be awarded to three national finalists. A $50.00 cash award and certificate will be awarded to state winners.
The Farm and Ranch Financial Management Program recognizes members with outstanding programs in the area of financial management. State winners will receive $50.00 and a certificate. Three national finalists will receive $250.00 and a plaque. The national winner will receive a plaque and $500.00.
The Crop Production Program recognizes members having outstanding extension programs in crop production. The national winner will receive a trip to Novartis Corporation Headquarters and a plaque. Three national finalists will receive $250.00 and a certificate. State winners will receive $50.00 and a certificate.
The Environmental Protection Through Responsible Use of Pesticides recognizes members who excel in promoting the protection of the environment. There is a category for urban and a category for rural use of pesticides. The following awards will be presented in each of the two categories: National winner - $500.00; three finalists - $250.00. State winners will receive $50.00.
In addition to programs of the NACAA, this committee should concern itself with the overall program objectives of University of Maryland Extension as they affect MACAA members. The committee can evaluate ongoing and new programs, with emphasis on strengthening and unifying educational efforts. For instance, are program priorities based on the needs of clientele? Are program objectives adequately formulated and effectively communicated to faculty? Are program thrusts sufficiently supported by specialists, publications and other resources? Are allocated funds influencing program direction in an appropriate manner? In arriving at recommendations, the committee may consult clientele, the membership, specialists, state program leaders and administrators.
To inform members of the opportunities and encourage their participation in professional improvement activities.
The Committee Chair is responsible for all phases of the committee's work. Upon request, the Chair will serve on the Extension Faculty and Staff Development Committee.
The committee will be responsible to the MACAA President-Elect and the Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect with an annual report of it's activities.
This committee shall administer the NACAA Professional Training Programs. Currently these are: the Applied Science and Technology Seminar; and the Workshop for Consensus Building and Holistic Management.
The Applied Science and Technology Seminar is designed for NACAA members to study and learn more about biotechnology and other seed technologies and their application to present and future crop production systems. All transportation, lodging and certain meals will be covered while in Johnston, Iowa, to study biotechnology at the Pioneer Hi-Bred research campus. One agent/educator will be selected from the Northeast Region each year and will favor members with corn and soybean Extension responsibilities.
The workshop for Consensus Building and Holistic Management teaches and strengthens participants' skills on getting groups to collaborate on common goals and developing a plan of action. Holistic Management is a decision making process that will be used throughout the process. The workshop will be held just prior to the NACAA Annual Meeting. Participants will pay a registration fee and be responsible for their own travel, meals and lodging.
The committee shall also administer the MACAA Professional Improvement Program which provides financial assistance to members attending appropriate professional improvement opportunities. All MACAA members in good standing are eligible to compete in the MACAA Professional Improvement Program. Candidates must have at least one year of career service with MCES. All former winners in this program are eligible to apply; however, entries from non-winners will be given preferential consideration. Recipients will be required to present a report of the improvement event attended. Extension professional association meetings are not eligible for this program.
Entries must be submitted by March 15 for the succeeding fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. Entries must include a completed entry form, a typewritten summary (500 words or less) of: 1) present Extension program responsibilities (10 points); 2) Extension program accomplishments (40 points); 3) description of professional improvement event and how it can be used in future program plans and professional goals (50 points).
Judging and ranking of entries will be done by this committee with final selection by the MACAA Executive Committee to be completed by the Spring Association meeting.
This committee should also work closely with the Extension Administration to promote professional training opportunities for the membership.
To promote excellence in program efforts.
The Committee Chair is responsible for all phases of the committee's work.
The committee will be responsible to the MACAA President-Elect and the Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect with an annual report of its activities.
This committee shall administer the NACAA Professional Excellence Programs. Currently, these are the papers for the NACAA Annual Meeting Poster Session and the Excellence in Forestry program. The poster session for papers has two categories to recognize NACAA members. The first category gives individuals an opportunity to present a paper on applied research and the second category is designed to give members the opportunity to discuss how an identified educational need in the community was addressed using different educational methods or technologies.
Awards for the best poster papers in each category are as follows:
Best Contributed Poster - $500 and a plaque
Second Place - $250 and a plaque
Third Place - $100 and a plaque
The purpose of the Excellence in Forestry program is to recognize NACAA members who are conducting outstanding educational programs related to forest and woodland enhancement/tree farming. State winners will receive $50 and a plaque. Three National finalists will receive $250 and a plaque. The first place national winner will receive $500, a plaque, meeting registration fee reimbursement and a sponsored trip to the Forestry Foundation Annual Meeting.
To recognize achievement and service of MACAA members.
The Committee Chair is responsible for all phases of the committee's work.
The committee will be responsible to the MACAA President-Elect and the Executive committee and will provide the President-Elect with an annual report of its activities.
This committee is responsible in seeing that properly completed nomination forms for the Pursell Pinnacle Award for Outstanding Humanitarian Service are submitted to the Northeast Region Director. The Association may nominate one member each year.
This committee shall also administer the NACAA Distinguished Service Award (DSA), the Achievement Award (AA) program, the MACAA Mid-Career Award, and plan the MACAA Member Retirement Dinner
The NACAA eligibility requirements state... "The DSA nominee:
Shall have served a total of at least ten years with outstanding service as a member of Maryland Cooperative Extension. Must be a member of NACAA when selected. The cut-off date for determining years of service is March 15 of the current year.
Should have worked out and put into effect an effective Extension program which includes carrying to completion some constructive and outstanding work. Military duties, church work and civic activities do not apply.
Shall be actively interested in the improvement of the Cooperative Extension profession. Should participate in the affairs of the local association and constructively support its program. Shall have been a member of the state association for at least ten years.
Should have studied some specific Extension subject by group study, correspondence, university residence study or should have pursued some other means of self-improvement.
Must have the recommendation of the State Extension Director.
Is required to attend the National Meeting.
The NACAA also requires that the Recognition and Awards Committee of the NACAA must give final approval on all nominees for awards to be made at the Annual Meeting each year. No publicity should be given until this approval is given to State Extension Directors.
The MACAA recognizes years of outstanding service from other states provided confirmation is received from the previous state associations involved.
The NACAA eligibility requirements for the AA state . . .
"The AA program is to encourage and recognize excellence in the field of professional Extension for members with less than ten years of service. The cutoff date for determining the years of service for the AA recipient will be June 30th of the year the award is presented. Each year the State Recognition and Awards Committee may submit the name of one member for this award. All winners must be approved by their State Director."
The Recognition and Awards Committee will follow the timetable established by the National Association. Preliminary and final ballots, with eligible members listed alphabetically, for the DSA and AA awards shall be sent to all members in time to meet the national deadlines. Eligibility shall be determined before the preliminary ballot is distributed by verification with the Treasurer. The winners' current year dues must be in the hands of the National Treasurer by the time the National Committee starts to process the nominations.
This committee is also responsible for planning and conducting the MACAA Member Retirement Dinner in the spring of each year. The purpose of this occasion is to honor members retiring since the last retirement dinner.
To encourage and recognize effective Extension programs for 4-H and other youth.
The Committee Chair is responsible for all phases of the committee work. Subcommittees will function with a Vice-Chair and are responsible to the entire Program Committee.
This committee is responsible to the MACAA President-Elect and the Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect an annual report of its activities.
The 4-H Recognition Program rewards members who have developed and carried out outstanding extension youth development programs for 4-H and other youth. State winners will receive a certificate and a $25 cash award. Three national finalists will receive a plaque and a $250 cash award. The national winner will receive a plaque and a $500 cash award. The national winner must attend the NACAA Annual Meeting and report on the winning program. The national winner and the three national finalists will receive a waiver of their registration fee.
In years when the NACAA Annual Meeting is in the Northeast region, the 4-H and Youth Subcommittee will designate talented 4-H members for the NACAA 4-H Talent Revue.
To encourage members to develop and utilize good communications techniques.
The Committee Chair is responsible for all phases of the committee's work. There should be at least one member of the committee from each of the Extension administrative districts.
The committee will be responsible to the MACAA President-Elect and the Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect with an annual report of its activities.
This committee shall administer the NACAA Communications Committee Awards programs. This program recognizes members who excel in communicating programs and ideas to their clientele in fourteen categories:
Radio program
News or feature photo caption
Slide set/transparencies
Direct mail piece
Personal column
Feature story
Newsletter, individual
Newsletter, team
Video tape/television presentation
Fact sheet
Home page on the world wide web
Learning module/notebook
Bound book
Awards in each of the fourteen (14) categories are as follows: National Category winner (plaque and cash), 3 National Category finalists (plaque and cash), 8 Regional Category finalists (certificate), and state category winners (certificate).
If adequate donor funds are secured, the National Winner will receive up to $500 and the three national finalists up to $250. First place national winner and all national finalists must register and attend the AM/PIC to receive award. National winners are expected to prepare a poster display of the award winning entry for the AM/PIC. All state and regional winners will receive certificates. Cash prizes of $500.00 and a plaque will be awarded to national winners in all thirteen categories. Three national finalists in each category also receive $250 and a plaque.
The Communications Committee will also encourage members to make the best use of all available news media and to avail themselves of opportunities to improve their communication skills by participating in appropriate training activities.
The Scholarship Committee will follow guidelines and interests of the State and National Association and meet with the assigned Scholarship Committee as needed.
The committee will provide information and applications to the active membership list, which is provided by the Treasurer in February of each year. (Note application form is also published in the winter issue of the County Agent).
Applications will be received by June 1. The State Chair reviews the applications and signs. The signature of the State President and State Extension Director are required.
A $40 donation to the National Scholarship Fund must be obtained from the State Treasurer or individual to accompany the application. Each applicant must contribute a minimum of $40 to the National Scholarship Fund. (The minimum is $20 if contributed prior to September 25, 1994.)
Submit scholarship applications to the Regional Chair by June 15, due to National Chair by July 1.
Scholarship applications are reviewed and funded or rejected at the National meeting each year.
The state committee will report at the spring meeting of MACAA and submit a written report of the committee at the summer meeting of MACAA.
To enroll all eligible faculty as active members in the MACAA.
The Committee Chairman will be the treasurer and will be responsible for all phases of the committee's work. There should be at least one member on the committee from each of the Extension administrative districts.
The committee will be responsible to the MACAA President-Elect and the Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect with an annual report of its activities including a list of all active and life members.
Committee members shall make personal contacts with prospective members explaining the benefits of MACAA membership. Contacts should also be made with those members who are tardy in renewing their membership.
To develop and encourage good public relations with farm organizations, other organizations, other divisions of the University, local and state governments, and the general public.
The Committee Chair is responsible for all phases of the committee's work.
The committee will be responsible to the MACAA President-Elect and the Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect with an annual report of its activities.
The committee is responsible for administration of the Public Relations in Daily Efforts (PRIDE) Program. The PRIDE program recognizes members that improve the understanding of agriculture in their communities. If adequate donor funds are secured, the National Winner will receive up to $500; three National Finalists up to $250; and state winners up to $50. The National Winner will present his/her program during the AM/PIC.
While it is the responsibility of all MACAA members to promote good public relations, the Public Relations Committee should assume leadership in developing suggestions for improving the public image of Extension.
This committee shall conduct a search for nominees for the MACAA Service to Agriculture Award and Honorary County Agent Award. The committee should submit three potential recipients for each award to the Executive Committee for the final selection.
To assist the MACAA President in conducting the Association's annual meeting.
The Committee Chairman will be responsible for all phases of the committee's work.
The committee will be responsible to the MACAA President and the Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect with an annual report of its activities.
The committee will work closely with the President and Executive Committee to provide adequate facilities and appropriate activities to insure a successful annual meeting for members, guests and their families.
To develop and define MACAA policies and ensure they are consistent with those of Maryland Cooperative Extension.
The Committee Chairman will be the Immediate Past President of the Association and the remaining members of this committee will consist of the previous past five successive MACAA Presidents.
The committee will be responsible to the Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect with an annual report of its activities.
This committee will provide policy definitions and interpretations to MACAA Officers, Committee Chairmen and the general membership. It will counsel and assist members in the preservation of high professional standards.
The Policy Committee will evaluate the various programs of the Association and will approve or make necessary corrections to committee reports prior to their inclusion in the MACAA Annual Report. They will approve changes or additions to the MACAA Handbook.
This committee will represent the Association and individual members with the Associate Dean and Associate Director of Extension as necessary. The committee will request such a meeting only as needed.
To consider and recommend expenditures to the Foundation Fund Governing Board and to create an awareness on the part of individuals and organizations of the purpose of the MACAA Foundation Fund.
The Committee Chairman will be responsible for all phases of the committee's work and is the official contact person with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
This committee is responsible to the MACAA President-Elect and the Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect with an annual report of its activities.
The committee should actively solicit suggestions and ideas from the membership for expenditures from the fund and make recommendations to the governing board (which is the MACAA Executive Committee). These recommendations will be made at the winter meeting or by May 1 if no winter meeting is held.
The committee should seek ways and means to acquire grants, donations, gifts, bequeaths, subscriptions and other monies to place in the corpus of the fund.
The Committee Chairman should establish and maintain a permanent file of all contacts with IRS and see that it is delivered to the incoming chairman.
To audit the financial records of the MACAA and the MACAA Foundation Fund at least annually and report the findings to the MACAA Executive Committee and the membership.
The Committee Chairman will be responsible for all phases of the committee's work. There will be at least one other member on the committee.
Prior to each Annual Meeting the committee will audit the financial records of the MACAA and the MACAA Foundation Fund and report the findings to the MACAA Executive Committee and the membership. The committee may make suggestions for improving financial procedures to the membership. They may make special audits after requesting approval from the Executive Committee or upon request of the Executive Committee. Such as request might be made or requested if a vacancy occurs in the office of Treasurer.
To inform members of program opportunities and encourage their participation in these professional improvement activities and to develop new professional improvement programs.
The Committee Chair is responsible for all phases of the committee's work.
The committee will be responsible to the MACAA President-Elect and Executive Committee and will provide the President-Elect with an annual report of its activities.
This committee will administer the NACAA Program Development Programs. Currently these are the RISE Horticulture/Turfgrass study tour and the Dairy Price Risk Management Workshop.
The RISE program is designed to provide the opportunity for selected members to study and learn more about horticulture and turfgrass management in populated areas. The tour will be conducted in a different region on a four year cycle. All transportation, lodging and certain meals will be covered. Five (5) members from each region will be selected.
The Dairy Price Risk Management Workshop teaches participants skills in hedging and futures marketing, develops leadership in the area of milk futures and provides participants information and technology for marketing dairy products. Twenty-five (25) agents/educators will be selected based on Extension responsibilities and state membership. Each participant will receive $500 to defray the costs of the two-day workshop.
The committee will develop new professional improvement programs for members upon request by the MACAA Executive Committee.
To submit a slate of qualified nominees to serve as officers for the MACAA.
The Committee Chairman will be responsible for all phases of the committee's work. The Committee Chairman will be the Immediate Past President of the Association and the remaining members of this committee will consist of the previous past five successive MACAA Presidents.
A slate of nominees will be submitted to the President two months prior to the Annual Meeting.
The MACAA Constitution states that the President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and that the candidates shall be nominated and presented by a nominating committee. Following a presentation of the nominating committee's report, the meeting will be opened for nominations from the floor of the Annual Meeting. If more than one nominee is presented for any office, election shall be by written ballot. The committee will prepare ballots and serve as tellers in this event.
Nominees should generally be tenured faculty members.
Nominees should be long-term supporters of the Association.
Nominees should be active on committees and support activities of both MACAA and NACAA.
The MACAA Foundation Fund is a non-profit educational foundation established March 13, 1970. A deposit of $6,303.91 in the Maryland Federal Savings and Loan Association, La Plata, Maryland, was made on January 30, 1974.
The dividends were allowed to accumulate and in July 1976 a fund corpus in the amount of $7,000 was established. Expenditures were not to exceed the accumulated interest of the corpus of the fund
To provide opportunities for furthering the objectives of Extension work and the MACAA, and to provide professional improvement and recognition of achievement of MACAA members.
The governing board of the foundation shall be the MACAA Executive Committee. The official address of the Foundation Fund account is: 1840 York Road, Timonium, MD 21093.
All expenditures will be at the discretion of the governing board. Signatures on the Foundation Fund account will be those of the MACAA President or the Chairman of the Foundation Fund Committee. These signatures will be updated immediately following the Annual Meeting of the Foundation Fund.
Grants, donations, gifts, bequeaths, subscriptions and other monies may be accepted at the discretion of the governing board and become a part of the corpus of the fund.
Annual interest accumulations need not be expended in any one fiscal year, but may be retained and used in subsequent years. The fiscal year of the MACAA shall be the basis for planning disbursements from this fund.
Any recipient of these funds must be a member in good standing of the NACAA. IRS regulations stipulate that these funds must be used to benefit the organization.
The Foundation Fund Committee Chair shall make available the records of the Foundation Fund to the Audit Committee for an annual audit.
The governing board has authorized the following expenditures:
NACAA Annual Meeting Expenses for MACAA Officer ($125)
Each voting delegate attending the NACAA Annual Meeting ($250)
Each Vice Chair of NACAA Committee attending the NACAA Annual Meeting ($125)
Achievement Award recipient attending the NACAA Annual Meeting ($200)
Distinguished Service Award recipient attending the NACAA Annual Meeting ($250)
The intent of the above expenditures is to help recipients defray part of the expense of attending the NACAA Annual Meeting.
Other authorized expenditures:
Participants attending N.E. Regional Officers' Workshop ($300)
MACAA Professional Improvement Program recipient to attend appropriate training ($150)
Expense for Maryland Agricultural Week representative should amount to the current cost of the ticket
Expenses for President and President-Elect or their designates attending The National Leadership Development Seminar.
A member of MACAA is eligible to receive payments of all of the National Annual Meeting categories as listed above.
The Annual Meeting of the Foundation Fund shall be held in conjunction with the MACAA Annual Meeting.